Saturday, October 24, 2015

Twenty Days Away

Hello everyone! I hadn't realized it's been a while since my last blog post. I've been living day by day this term especially with the amount of homework I have. Which, I'm currently avoiding, which is the worse time I could do this.

I also have spent the last two hours writing. Again, probably not good timing, but I've been going stir crazy since November is approaching. But at least I've been getting a lot of progress with my writing. Some of it is shaping differently than I expected but I like it so far.

If you're looking for an Audible book I definitely recommend The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern which is pretty amazing. I'm now listening to The Dragon Blood Omnibus by Lindsay Buroker and I flew through the first book of the trilogy.

I only have two more weeks until I get a week off and then proceed into three hard classes. But, theoretically, I have more free time this way. But until then I will be busy studying quite a bit. So, unless I'm avoiding homework again, I won't be posting until November.

That's all I had for this post. Yes, the Greek mythology idea fell through, but I'll attempt that over break. Until next time!

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