Friday, September 22, 2017


Hello everyone! I finally was able to get away from the company I worked at for almost a year. They wanted me to move to Nebraska and a 5+ hour distance away from my family was not in the cards at this time. So, I was able to leave nicely, they're even paying me for my last 2 weeks even though I didn't need to go in. So, I'm going to share some things I've been debating, been doing, and want to do! :)

Getting my Masters has been something I have wanted to do. After much debate I decided to be practical and find something that will give me a broad choice of options. The best fit that I've found so far would be a Masters in Public Administration.The nice thing is that if I find a broad program I could potentially do government, nonprofit, or even HR. While nonprofit is something I've wanted to do I don't want to limit myself only to it.

As for wanting to expand as a writer, I figured that I could maybe do some online classes. I also have been reading The Breakout Novelist and have found it quite interesting so far. I was doing well on treating my reading like a class (taking notes, etc) but I'm slowly getting back in the habit. Plus I have several more writing books (hey, they were on sale!) that I need to read as well.

I still want to pursue writing. I've come to a point where I can't picture not writing but at the same time need a bit of space from the main series I've been working on. There are a lot of changes that need to be done so I'm letting it sit so I can look at it with a fresh perspective. For now I'm focusing on another series and will really dive into it once I'm done with the first few sections of the book I'm reading.

Soon I hope to add some more blog posts related to writing. I've had some ideas written down that (with work) I just hadn't been able to get around to. Now hopefully I'll be able to. I am looking for jobs in my area since I'm not certain how quickly I'll get into an MPA program. Part of me would like to start in January while I know I could spend more time looking if I wait until next fall. I'll probably talk about it more in the future. ;) Until next time!

Buy me a coffee! ($3)

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